Yoonyoung Choi
2019 Cohort
Institute for Population Research
1885 Neil Ave
Columbus OH, 43210
Young is currently in her fifth year as a doctoral candidate and holds an affiliation with the Institute for Population Research. She is deeply committed to exploring the intricacies of population and life-course dynamics. Her research primarily focuses on health disparities and the social determinants of mortality, with a special emphasis on the interplay among family dynamics, gender roles, and immigration. Currently, Young is leading several research projects aimed at unraveling the complexities behind the recent declines in health across the United States. Another significant area of her research examines how the health of immigrants is influenced by marital factors, including spousal nativity and changes in health behaviors. Through her rigorous quantitative analysis and empirical research, she seeks to elucidate the complex relationships between social factors and health outcomes throughout different stages of life.