Chris Knoester
Townshend Hall 152Â
1885 Neil Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Family
- Sports & Society
- Stratification
- Health & Population
- Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2000
Prof. Knoester's research has traditionally focused on the effects of children on parents’ lives and on the patterns and implications of fathering, specifically. Recently, he has been comprehensively analyzing patterns, implications, and attitudes surrounding paternity leaves and has become immersed in sports and society research after solely teaching sport sociology during the bulk of his career. He is the principal investigator of the National Sports and Society Survey (NSASS), a landmark survey that focuses on patterns of sports involvement and their links to well-being. For more on the NSASS project, please reference He is also a North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Research Fellow and the Research Chair for the OSU Sports and Society Initiative.