- Sadé Lindsay won the Graduate Research Fellowship and Grant from the National Institute of Justice, the Benjamin Steiner Excellence in Corrections Paper Award from American Society of Criminology, the Racial/Ethnic Minority Graduate Fellowship from the Society for the Study of Social Problems, as well as dissertation grants from the Center for Engaged Scholarship and from the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy. She also won the Outstanding PhD Student award from the Department of Sociology at OSU.
- Davon Norris won a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the American Sociological Association, the Ethics Circle Fellowship from the Center for Ethics and Human Values, and honorable mention for the Privacy Papers for Policymakers Award from the Future of Privacy Forum.
- Oneya Okuwobi won a dissertation fellowship from the Louisville Institute.
- Chloe Dunston won the Outstanding Second Year Paper award from the Department of Sociology at OSU.
- Elizabeth Martin won Graduate Student Paper Awards from the American Sociological Association Section on Consumers and Consumption and Section on Sociology of Law, as well as a Silverman Award from the Department of Sociology at OSU.
- Chrisse Edmunds won the Frank Mott Paper Award from the Department of Sociology at OSU.
- Melissa Alcaraz won the Frank Mott Paper Award from the Department of Sociology at OSU as well as the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award from Sociology Graduate Student Association at OSU.
- Amelia Li and Laura Frizzell won Presidential Fellowships from The Ohio State University Graduate School.
- Jacob Képes, Maria Orsini, and Alex Kempler won Silverman Awards from the Department of Sociology at OSU.
- Young Choi, Story Edison, and Lawrence Stacey won Summer Methods Awards from the Department of Sociology at OSU.
- Kammi Schmeer and Jake Hays won the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Child Development Supplement Small Grant from the University of Michigan.
- Kammi Schmeer won a COVID Supplement Grant for R01 from National Institutes of Health, the Emerging International Engagement Award from Office of International Affairs at OSU, the International Research and Scholar Award from the Office of International Affairs and Global Gateways at OSU, and was Selected for Growing Research Opportunities (GRO) Academy at the Office of Research at OSU.