This year, with the help of David Martinez, academic advisor and research coordinator, we will be forming a Department of Sociology peloton that will be associated with the super peloton Team Buckeye for the 2016 Pelotonia ride. Alumni, faculty, lecturers, post-docs, and staff members who already ride in Pelotonia or who would like to become involved this year will be able to join the department’s peloton as a rider, virtual rider, or volunteer. Graduate students will have the opportunity to be a part of the department team as virtual riders or volunteers, only, since their registering costs and fundraising goals are reduced based on student rates when they sign up as riders.
Our academic family has unfortunately been affected by cancer, and many of us have dealt with cancer in one way or another in our personal lives. This endeavor will allow individuals and groups to donate toward cancer research through our peloton, and it would also serve as an opportunity to forge new relationships. The goal of creating a department peloton is to foster connections with all members of our department current and former, as well as increase visibility within our academic community and beyond… So, any level of involvement is encouraged and appreciated. If you are interested in supporting the department’s peloton efforts, you can make a donation.
David J Martinez Pelotonia 2016 Profile
“I personally believe in the organization and feel the creation of our peloton could serve as a very positive example for our undergraduates. My wife has ridden 100 miles each year for the past two seasons, and the idea that 100% of the funds raised go directly to The James and help to fund experimental research to fight cancer - research that might not otherwise be funded by the NSF and other prominent funding sources – is quite invigorating to experience.” – David Martinez, M.A.