August 20, 2024
Weekly News

Summer News, August 9, 2024
- Congratulations to Andrea Constant, who was awarded a 2024 CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Research Fellowship!
- Marquianna Griffin published a paper in The Annals of Epidemiology with colleagues in the College of Public Health entitled, "Police killings of unarmed Black persons and suicides among Black youth in the US: A national time-series analysis."
- Mehr Mumtaz, Vinnie Roscigno, and Katie Sobering published their paper titled, "Gendered Employment Precarity and Refugee Resettlement in the United States," in Sociological Quarterly.
- Jack Wippell was interviewed for the podcast, Outrage Overload by David Beckenmeyer, on strategies for preventing youth radicalization.
- And congratulations to Anthony Johnson for winning the 2024 Scholarly Contributions to Teaching and Learning Award from ASA for his paper, “Collaborating in Class: Social Class Context and Peer Help-Seeking and Help-Giving in an Elite Engineering School.”
- Congratulations to Madeline Carrola, who has won an Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service!
- Eric Schoon gave the keynote address at the 2nd Annual International Workshop on Organizational Legitimacy, which was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Terrance Hinton was quoted by the Columbus Dispatch discussing the number of homicides that have taken place in apartment complexes in Columbus. More than 25% of the homicides in the city of Columbus so far this year have happened at apartment complexes, which is the highest prevalence within the previous five years, according to an analysis by The Dispatch.
- Congratulations to Professor Brandon Alston for winning an prestigious Honorable Mention for the 2024 American Sociological Association Dissertation Award for his the dissertation titled “Policing the Black Metropolis: Race, Surveillance, and Resistance."
- Professor Chris Knoester had his new research on the long-term mental health implications of youth sports participation written up by OSU Research News and picked up by numerous outlets including USA Today, MSN, Newsweek, and Spectrum News. The study, published in the Sociology of Sport Journal, was led by Laura Upenieks (Baylor) and Brendan Ryan (independent). It utilized National Sports and Society Survey data.
- Graduate student Steven Bao published his first peer-reviewed paper, "Tactics and Targets: Labor Protest and State Response in China," in The Sociological Quarterly
- Sarah Hayford was quoted in an article in the New York Times on the reasons behind increasing childlessness in the United States and the recent political interest in the topic.
- Doug Downey completed The James Center's Pelotonia bike ride last Saturday. He raised over $2,500 for cancer research. Members of the Sociology Department were responsible for about half of his fundraising.
- PhD Candidate James Tompsett and Professor Chris Knoester were interviewed about their research on youth sports, socioeconomic status, and advancement in levels of sports participation by popular youtuber and Stanford University student Ryan Cheluget. His research-based video project on youth sports, family connections and SES, and the NBA quickly amassed over 150k views within a few days. Influential research by former OSU Sociology graduate students Josh Dubrow and Jimi Adams on the family SES of NBA players was also highlighted in the twenty-minute video.
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