May 13, 2024
Weekly News

Friday News, May 3, 2024
- Townsand Price Spratlen was awarded the Community Engaged Scholar Award for making significant contributions to Ohio State's culture of engagement, further establishing, and strengthening the institution's commitment to communities. This award is given by the Office of Outreach and Engagement. Congrats Townsand!
- Mary Reiter was quoted by NBC4i discussing the decline in murder rates in Columbus and across the US. Homicide rates in Columbus have dropped 51% compared to last year's homicides at this time of year.
- Undergraduate student Echo Joyce (Sociology) defended his undergraduate research thesis on queer experiences in sport, won an Outstanding Sports and Society Research award at the recent OSU Sports and Society Initiative Undergraduate Research Fair and Sports Analytics Conference, and was just awarded a $5k Undergraduate Research Scholarship to further develop the thesis and push it towards publication. Echo used National Sports and Society Survey (NSASS) data for his research. Advisor: Chris Knoester, Cmte Member: Rin Reczek. Undergraduate students Rohini Kumar (Biology) and John Strzalka (Biology) also did great work in defending their theses and presenting at the conference. Rohini studied sports-related injuries over the life course. John analyzed the implications of youth sports participation for occupational success in adulthood. Both used NSASS data and were advised by Chris Knoester; Dana Haynie served on their committees.
- Anneliese Schenk-Day published a piece in The Conversation titled “Rwandan Genocide, 30 years on: Omitting women’s memories encourages incomplete understanding of violence” based on her second-year paper.
- Anna Church published a paper with colleagues in the College of Public Health entitled, "Perceptions and Experiences with Healthcare Providers Among People Navigating Reproductive and Fertility Decisions." This research was funded through an IPR seed grant, and the paper is available open access here:
Professor Chris Knoester offered talking points and research insights on who watches and follows women's sports for a New York Times analysis of the growth and profitability of the WNBA. The research insights stemmed from a collaborative study that was led by Professor Rachel Allison (Mississippi State) and used data from the National Sports and Society Survey.
Friday News can be submitted via this link which is also accessible through the Department Policy and Governance page on our website.